The story of the film is set after the conflict instigated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi ended, but not before the Battle of Sekigahara determines who shall be the Shogun of Japan. (Source: MAL)
So I watched the movie a few days ago. After I had watched the ending where they dance, what went trough my head was "What in the name of hell did I just watch?!" that was because of the ending. Then I thought "Maybe I should learn how to dance that!", but I left it at that since it was midnight already.
Sadly That isn't the video I was hoping to post, but for some god forsaken reason I can't upload the one I want. So this dance is from the series opening, but as you can see my point. Samurai that are dancing...
But that's the link for the video that I was talking about
The movie itself was really good, but I can hardly remember anything since I've read so many mangas after I watched it that I can barely remember what I read...
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