Another thing I have been doing during the summer is that I participated in the closed beta test of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.
The official game will be launched on 28th of August, so at the end of this month.
The game itself is a mmorgp, I was surprised when I first tried it how well it had been executed.
I personally don't like paying for games that much, but this game, even tough it has a monthly fee, I am willing to pay for.
And unlike free to play games, players can't get better gear and the like for real money, so everyone has an equal chance and equal characters.
The game-world is called Eorzea.
There are 3 different spots where you might begin the game from, depending on the class you have chosen.
These locations are the following:
- Ul'dah
- A city on a desert like continent
- Classes that begin from here
- Gladiators
- Pugilists
- Thaumaturges
- Gridania
- A small village in the midst of a huge forest
- Classes that begin from here
- Lancers
- Archers
- Conjurers
- Limsa Lominsa
- A port city near wide green plains
- Classes that begin from here
- Marauders
- Arcanists (just a guess)
As always the first thing you do is create a character for you to play with.
Unlike most games where the race you choose for the character it doesn't limit the class and job you can choose for your character.
Here are the race's you can play with, and unlike the picture shows all of the race's have female and male versions.
Each race has also two options, these have a slight impact on the allocated points on defense, agility, strength etc., you have at the beginning of the game. The other is more suited for magic while the other more suited for melee combat.
From left to right: Elzen, Lalafell, Hyur, Roegadyn and Miqu'te |
Elzen are the elf characters of this game, and are quite a lot taller than Hyur's or Miqu'te's.
You can choose between Wildwood and Duskwight Elzen, Wildwood being more suited for melee combat and Duskwight more suited for magic.
Wildwood |
Duskwight |
Lalafell are small and have childlike features, they kinda look like dolls that walk around..
You can choose between Plainsfolk and Dunesfolk, I do not know which is better for magic and which for melee combat, since I haven't played with them.
Dunesfolk |
Plainsfolk |
This is annoying trying to get the pictures next to each other =_=''
Hyur are the humans of the game.
You can choose between Midlanders and Highlanders, but as before I have not played with the Hyur, but if I had to guess I'd say that Highlanders are more suited for melee combat.
.png) |
Midlanders |
Highlanders |
Roegadyn are the race that would usually be the tank class.
It is a sight to behold when a Roegadyn joins the battle and takes out a small stick and starts healing others...
You can choose between Sea Wolves and Hellsguards, and as before I haven't played with this race and don't know which are better for which.
.png) |
Sea Wolves |
Hellsguards |
Miqu'te's are the cat-folk in the game, compared to Hyur, they have a smaller build and are shorter.
You can choose between Seekers of the Sun and Keepers of the Moon, for once I know which is better for combat and so forth. Seekers of the Sun being more suited for melee combat and obviously Keepers of the Moon being more suited for magic.
Seekers of the Sun |
Keepers of the Moon |
Well that's all of the races. And I'm banging my head to my desk because of the amount to write about
There are four types of classes: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic, Disciples of the Hand and Disciples of the Land.
You can have multiple classes for one character, and once you level up your character you can use some of the skills you get with one class on another one.
You are not required to play with more than one class, but to get a job you need two classes. Later on about the job system.
You can switch between classes when you are not in battle or an instance like dungeons.
Disciples of War and -Magic are the real classes you use when in combat.
There are five different classes under the Disciples of War and three under Disciples of Magic.
The five classes of War
Gladiators are a tank class in the game, they use a one-handed sword and a shield.
Pugilists are specialized in close combat and most of their weapons are brass knuckles of a kind and have a lot of combo attacks.
Marauders are the second tank class in the game, the weapon they use is the greataxe.
Lancers weapon of choice is a pole-arm or a long-spear. They also, like pugilists, specialize in close combat.
Archers are, well archers. Their weapon of choice is a bow. I can't even come up with anything clever about archers =_=''
The three classes of Magic
Conjurers are the healer class in the game. Their "weapon" is a branch of a tree or a stick.
Thaumaturges are the wizards of the game, and use elemental magic to attack. Their weapon of a choice is a staff.
Arcanists are a class that will appear when the game is released, so I don't know much about them, but they are some sort of magicians. Their "weapon" is a book(?)
Disciples on the Hand and -Land are more like side jobs or skills you can learn to create items. To be exact Disciples of the Hand are types of jobs you can use to create armory, weapons, accessories and potions. While Disciples of the Land are jobs that you use to gather necessary items and ingredients that you use when creating items.
Disciples of the Hand
I am sure that all of you know what, which class does, but a small note on them either way
- Carpenter
- Blacksmith
- Armorer
- Goldsmith
- Leatherworker
- Weaver
- Makes clothes
my thought crashed here because of an interruption
- Alchemist
- Scientists (make potions and such)
- Culinairan
Disciples of the Land
- Miner
- Mines metals, stones and other stuff
- Botanist
- A farmer in simpler terms
- Fisher
Good god can't think straight at all
The game has a job system, basically jobs are more advanced classes that you can get after leveling up enough. To get a job you need to level up two different classes to certain levels, each job requires two particular classes. Basically each class has one job you can get, except for arcanist.
Once both needed classes are at the minimum level that is needed, the "main" class will get the quest to get the soul gem. When a soul gem is equipped you are in job mode.
Earlier I noted that you can use skills that you have aqquired trough other classes, jobs restrict this to the skills of the two classes that you need.
You can become a paladin through the Gladiator class.
The second class you need is the Conjurer.
Paladins strong point is his/hers defense.
Monk is the job for Pugilists.
The second class you need is the Lancer.
Monks strong point is the great amount of damage they deal.
Marauder is the primary class you need for the Warrior.
The second class is Gladiator.
Warriors have the greatest amount of HP out of all the classes, no surprise there since it's the job you need both tank classes for.
Dragoon is the job for Lancers.
They also are the opposite of Monks since the secondary class is the Pugilist.
Archers job is a bard.
The secondary class is the Conjurer.
Bards have the ability to give buffs to teammates but also to fight.
White Mage
Conjurers can become White Mages.
The second class you need is the Gladiator.
White Mages are great healers.
Black Mage
Thaumaturges can become Black Mages.
The second class is the Pugilist.
Black Mages specialize in elemental attack magics.
Summoner & Scholar
Summoner and Scholar are jobs you can get for an arcanist, but I do not know which are the classes you need for them.
Either way Summoners can summon beings to aid them in battle.
Though I have no idea what Scholars do...
Well that's all I can write right now.., but I'm sure this was long enough already.
Finally I finished this